Funny Cartoon Stretching Help Me Stretch It Locker Room

Following is our collection of funny Stretching jokes. There are some stretching sows jokes no one knows (to tell your friends) and to make you laugh out loud.

Take your time to read those puns and riddles where you ask a question with answers, or where the setup is the punchline. We hope you will find these stretching proctologists puns funny enough to tell and make people laugh.

A man goes on safari with his wife and mother-in-law. Whilst stretching their legs outside the jeep a lion jumps out of the bushes and corners the mother-in-law

The man's wife screams at her husband 'Please! can't you do anything to help!'

The man replies 'The lion got itself into this mess, it can get itself out'

I really don't understand how Karen's aren't in better shape...

They're always stretching the truth and jumping to conclusions

Two sailors are on deck looking out to sea.

In the distance, a huge hand rises from the water.

It keeps rising as the wrist and forearm become visible, the fingers stretching into the air. It wobbles back and forward then falls, crashing into the sea.

One sailor turns to the other and asks, 'Did you see the size of that wave?

Stretching joke, Two sailors are on deck looking out to sea.

I made an IRL dad joke a few weeks back...

and it may be my crowning achievement.

We did a delayed Christmas at the in-laws a few weekends back (COVID happened) and my FIL is the kind of jokester that does things like wrap one boot in one present for his wife and the other boot in another.

Mom-in-Law says, "look at him, stretching one gift into two...."

Father-in-law then opens a gift from her and it's a winter vest. Without missing a beat I say, "look who's stretching gifts now, where's the box with the sleeves!?"

I never post so I had to build karma before sharing but hopefully it was worth the wait!

Jack was doing his online classes when he got bored and decided needed to say something, so he clicked the raise hand button.

Mr.Cooper (the teacher) said,

"Yes Jack?"

Jack replies with,

"Oh sorry sir I was just stretching."

The Last Fight

The battle was long, perilous, and gruesome. The twins made it through nearly three quarters of the enemy battalion before reaching the final lines of the fray. They saw the end stretching over the thin horizon.

With their dwindling energy, they let out another strained cry for battle, and lifted their chipped tools, charging nearly head first into death.

The final line proved too brutal for their torn souls, slipping from the elbows of war and plunging hard into the revolting, fetid puddle beneath them.

This is the last time I wear long sleeves while doing dishes.

When I found out that girls fart, I was in my 8th grade gym class.

The girl that I had a crush on let one rip while stretching, and I took the blame for it. I decided to ask her out after class that day as well. Needless to say, her parents were called and I lost my job.

Stretching joke, When I found out that girls fart, I was in my 8th grade gym class.

Why was the tree stretching?

So it could be timber!

You know it's good when moan and your legs won't stop shaking.

Stretching, that is. You can do it anytime of the day and it still feels good.

What's better than stretching your ear lobe to 3 inches?

A job

Three guys see a European man stretching across a lawn...

The First says: "That guy looks like Swede."

The Second says: "No no no, he is definitely Italian."

The Third says: "C'mon guys! He's definitely a SpanYard!"

I'll see myself out.

You can explore stretching expanse reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean stretching rooftops dad jokes. There are also stretching puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

Me: A High Schooler finishing his last year decides to stretch. While stretching, my back cracks..

Mom: "Ooh, you're getting old!"

Me: "I know. I'm a senior."

Why does Chris Hemsworth make a point of stretching after every gym session?

Because when you train hard, you get Thor!

LPT for stretching your food budget

Cut a minute steak into 60 pieces. Then everyone can have seconds.

They say yoga without breathing is just stretching.

It's actually called passing out.

What do you call a bunch of skinny people stretching in the snow?

Low-fat frozen yoga

Stretching joke, What do you call a bunch of skinny people stretching in the snow?

Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the stretching starry jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.

We suggest to use only working stretching widen piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh.


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